Thursday, April 1, 2010

Final Year Project

Man, fussing around with final year project which I did not put much effort on for 2 semesters. No point whining here d. This is the only obstacle which is gona saparate me from graduation. Leaving the University which I had so much trouble couping up with but did successfully anyhow.

Okay, now I just need to focus on the happy moments on getting this project done! All the help has been provided to me with so much luck and coincidents.
Focus focus, on being happy to finish off my project once and for all.
Focus, focus on how my lecturer will accept my project as an acceptable one!
Focus, focus on getting acceptance of my project. It will!
Yeah, and all will pass through. U gota stay strong and finish this up! Yes! There is no imposible task but the mind that is preventig you from doing so! Yes Yes Ye Yes!!@!!!!!

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