Thursday, August 27, 2009

Sleep early!! (reminder to myself)

Went for Finite elements test today. Was one of the rare cases that i actually manage to prepare well for the test. Well eventually made some mistake due to the over excitement the fact that i know i can do all the question entirely!! haha. Actually it was due to the lack of sleep last nite due to lack of self discipline of watching TV til late!! This self control problem will be controlled very very soon... I just know it!!

So many downside of sleeping late. To name a few:
1) Sleepy to do work. Miserable yet if having test!!
2) It affects by chain reaction through the whole day even the next day.
3) Gets you in bad mood and low alertness.
4) Feel like out of conscious controll... worse yet if added with coffee.
5) Get very low mood.
6) Tired eyes and dangerous in driving.
7) Bad level of input receiving
8) Cant even concentrate in class.
9) Cant even use brain to think well!! If do equations like wanna burst.
List goes on.
Moral of story: Sleep early or if cannot den at least make sure that get at least 6 hrs sleep.
Plan well ahead.
But i think self discipline does most of the trick

Do your best Jian!! hahaha.

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