Thursday, August 27, 2009

Walk The Talk!!

Retire Young, Retire Rich. Robert Kiyosaki

I learnt today that it is very important to learn the habbit of fulfilling what you have promissed.
In achieving great success, it all starts with a goal. To achieve a goal u need a plan.
Okay now. In order to achieve the plan, walk the talk comes in. It is very important that you put your actions and your words as one, no matter how small and insignificant it is. When you say that u are gonna do it, take action and complete it.
If you cant fulfill it, dont make that promise.

See it this way:
If you don't take your words and your promisses seriously for small tasks, how are you suppose to achieve success which requires combination of completed big tasks.

Integrity is achieved through this. People respects and believe in you when they see this habbit instilled in your core values.

I would like to add the habbit of taking serious action to my words. I know I have been a failure in this for my past many years. I am sure that this will change starting today. Cutting off this today.

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