Monday, March 8, 2010

Sudden anger at night

Am a part of the Money tree Yes challenge. The next event will be the pitching session to the judges This Saturday. Today is tuesday. Apart from getting a new team member and completing the elevator pitch, sending it to UV for evaluation, we have done nothing else.
Got this sudden anger in my heart when I looked at the blog of one of the team involved in the YES challenge too. There has been so much done by the people over there. Scheduling meetings here and there, meeting with UV, pitching to lecturers, doing survey forms and so much more.

For my part as a leader, got cocky of my business plan and got blinded at the actual events that should have been taken much more effort in doing. The anger seems to generally lead to my team members whom are not being supportive and proactive in my perception. Even had the intention to eliminate one more of the members for not being able to show up often. I seem to let so much of the events in life stop me from making progress in live!!! thats damn sad man.

Ok, now i still have 4 more days to go. What can I schedule to do now.
1) Definitely will set up a meeting with group members. Definitely need it.
2) Scedule a meeting with UV wong.
3) Get a few meeting with some lecturers.
4) Work on the elevator pitch presentation.

OK man u can freaking make this work, your ideas are great and now u just need some drastic actions to back this up. Anger and blaming wont solve any problems but invite more problems. Start off with a new day with new actions!!!! Go Sleep.

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