Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Back to reality...

Back to work on monday.... huhuhu
Made wrong decision to go back on monday morning, 2 hours of jam caused me to be late at work.... 20 minutes... though boss all like dun care only. But am quite frus lor, then gotta act like got work to do when get to work table.... Hate that moment every morning. Haiz......

Again aar, have to do works that i find rather unbenificial towards my selfdeveloping life. Inspect and record all of the chairs in company??!!! oh god, i never even imagined i would be doing this on the first day of work.... oh my freaking hamster ballsssss......
Despite that i still took a few pics of that scenarios.... hurhurhur

Mr Nik who totally agrees with me on that it is really a useless work. Despite have to obey. Lolz. Damn hensem aar Nik, innocent and friendly look....

Miss loo fook lee.... my supervisor... jotting down on the stickers each and every chairs inspected... huhuhu.
Very explanationary gal (in this blog hor i will use all the self created phrases my self de la hor)
She seems very motivated in this task though... i think she's the get the job done kind of human regardless of how simple and feather the job is like. Haha.

These few days to come will be doing the same tasks every day 9.30pm. Really sienz...

Am starting to be less wanting to be productive already la with the task given..... Hopefully the exhibition on 6-10 may they will let me go......... Really hope aar.

Oh i want to show a pic of my boss, i think he is damn cute aar.... jeyan say like teddy bear^^

This pic dosent express as much aar...... wait till u see him walk. ....
haha. Another boring day at work......(self defined)

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