Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Hair cut day....

Finally out of the blue after an very plain day at work and a very suddenly happened moody and self felt lonely day at work, i go for a haircut.... Malay saloon..
Haha, the same mistake happens again.... Very unclear instructions.... causing a very very short cut. T_T although i feel that its very acceptable aar. hurhurhur....(maybe overly get used to this situation liao.)
Hair dresser was a tomboy lesbo. Saw her caressing her gf on sofa when got in. Haha, the male hair cut pushed me to her when later he entertained a female long haired customer. ( earlier as if he is not a hair dresser) Miss hairdresser was thought to be nice though, yeng blonde male hairstyle.... cause me to put down my worries....
Thats when the trouble starts aarrrr.... I strongly made "Rules of Giving Instructions to my Hairdresser" here in this blog:

1) Always give very clear directions!!!! dont assume they will cut the hair the way u want!!!!

2) Ask them not to touch the side burn and front hair at first, kaotim the upper and behind part of hair first!!!!

3) Then, only ask them to cut the side burn little by little.

4) Sideburn must reach bottom level of ear....

5) stress on the right frontal hair

For those of u blurr with some statements please just ignore it. This is basically just a reminder for myself only on what i have to follow and should have been following for the past 20 unsuccessfull hair cuts........

So that i will not look like this........

and need to wait for 3 weeks for me to be ok with it..... huizay

1 comment:

  1. aiyak, so many spelling and vocab error....dont care la, my blog, no english lecturer gona minus mark...lalalalalala;p
