Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Lee hom concert

The time when this blog is written, 3 days had passed. So the actual expression remembered is a little deflated.
But as it seems, its gonna be one of the memorable things i get to do with you in my life. Haha, u cause me to go for this concert. Dunno why had this thinking of holding the decision to do so. But i'm glad i didn't. ^^ Coz u paid for it. wahahahaha.

And again, miss lcy looks as stunning as always lor. hehe although i jus like to criticise a bit la to dis u a bit. hehe.
Big 水汪汪 cute retina's by the way... haha

Mr. lee, really damn geng aar. Superb performance all the way. Only a bit sienz on slow songs.
Freakin yeng stage entry.

playing this with eyes closed. yeng X2
Nothing of these can be heard in the CD. Those of u ppl really shud experience lee hom in live band performance. had a different perspective towards him now.
The MC had to repeat 2 times that the concert is over to kill away any hopes by the fans of any encores which took place only once.

Oh, and there is the killer guitar named "bahamut". 200k euros man... if i can only touch.
Some of the memorable performances was with the 改变自己song. Just like in MV camera trick positions cause us to believe theres 4 lee hom on stage. And there is the magic tric where he teleport from stage to center of the crowd in 1 sec.
(Although kinda know how it is being done coz watch too much magic secrets review video liao. haha.)

Musically, rockin the house like wild man..... with the guitar. 1 km away from him dosent stop the energy flow. Damn like the 竹林深处rock version, improvised into a serious heavy rock-rapping song.

And there are the babes who came to the concert.... Damn smokin hot ... haha. Although dun dare to take pic of them due to sumone sitting beside and inability of hp to silent while take pic.

Best performance i have experience from a real pro who constantly self develope himself. Will be hoping for hid dvd to be launched.

Finally there is the pic of me and u.... ^^

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