Tuesday, May 5, 2009

People's life.. mine like so dull

Yeah, i am the kind of human that always does that... i know its childish and should not.... But i really cant help the feeling that i didnt do enough with my life.
Read a blog of my friend... gosh, she's been through so much exciting moments and achievements big or small. She's living her life, doing what she does best and helping people to develop into something astonishing with her talent.
My.... what a character in life to be... And me myself in my road of life which i aint as fullfiling. (Wont be satisfied if i die now)
Tried to develop into something like that but it feels really uncomfortable being that guy that i wanted to be.... Improvements.... i need it

I tried hard ....

Blog writting allows me to view this in a very different perspective before i actually type it out into words. I happen to like blogging liao.........

Hate myself (nope i dont, i am having a sweet period in my life now:))

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