Just gone through the Anthony Robbins audio mp3.
He was teaching how to solve problems in life.
first thing to do is to treat this so call problem into a challenge!! no problem! It is actually an opportunity for me to grow.
So now, write the problem down. Spend 20% defining, but then 80% of the effort and time should be on the solution.
Come up with a plan to handle it and act on it asap.
Notice your action towards it if it is working, otherwise change tactics
Add flexibility to options and ask what would happen if........
Find role models to get solutions. People might already solved the problem.
The most interesting and i find effective is the following step.
Ask these five questions below to put yourslef in a positive, resourceful state to find the solutions.
1) What is good about this problem?
2) What is not perfect yet? (what to improve)
3) What action am I willing to take to make it the way I want it to be?
4) What action can I correct to make it the way I want it to be?
5) How to enjoy the process I take the actions to make it the way I want it?
1) 这个挑战对我有什么帮助?
2) 还有什么是不完美的? (还可以改进什么?)
3) 我愿意付出什么来使到这挑战转变成我所想要的?
4) 我需要停止做什么来使这挑战转变成我所想要的?
5) 我要怎样在克服挑战时使过程变很够力好玩?
2) What is not perfect yet? (what to improve)
3) What action am I willing to take to make it the way I want it to be?
4) What action can I correct to make it the way I want it to be?
5) How to enjoy the process I take the actions to make it the way I want it?
1) 这个挑战对我有什么帮助?
2) 还有什么是不完美的? (还可以改进什么?)
3) 我愿意付出什么来使到这挑战转变成我所想要的?
4) 我需要停止做什么来使这挑战转变成我所想要的?
5) 我要怎样在克服挑战时使过程变很够力好玩?