Thursday, August 27, 2009

Face Challenge? Ask Good Questions To Yourself!!!

Just gone through the Anthony Robbins audio mp3.

He was teaching how to solve problems in life.

first thing to do is to treat this so call problem into a challenge!! no problem! It is actually an opportunity for me to grow.

So now, write the problem down. Spend 20% defining, but then 80% of the effort and time should be on the solution.

Come up with a plan to handle it and act on it asap.

Notice your action towards it if it is working, otherwise change tactics

Add flexibility to options and ask what would happen if........

Find role models to get solutions. People might already solved the problem.

The most interesting and i find effective is the following step.

Ask these five questions below to put yourslef in a positive, resourceful state to find the solutions.

1) What is good about this problem?
2) What is not perfect yet? (what to improve)
3) What action am I willing to take to make it the way I want it to be?
4) What action can I correct to make it the way I want it to be?
5) How to enjoy the process I take the actions to make it the way I want it?

1) 这个挑战对我有什么帮助?
2) 还有什么是不完美的? (还可以改进什么?)
3) 我愿意付出什么来使到这挑战转变成我所想要的?
4) 我需要停止做什么来使这挑战转变成我所想要的?
5) 我要怎样在克服挑战时使过程变很够力好玩?

Walk The Talk!!

Retire Young, Retire Rich. Robert Kiyosaki

I learnt today that it is very important to learn the habbit of fulfilling what you have promissed.
In achieving great success, it all starts with a goal. To achieve a goal u need a plan.
Okay now. In order to achieve the plan, walk the talk comes in. It is very important that you put your actions and your words as one, no matter how small and insignificant it is. When you say that u are gonna do it, take action and complete it.
If you cant fulfill it, dont make that promise.

See it this way:
If you don't take your words and your promisses seriously for small tasks, how are you suppose to achieve success which requires combination of completed big tasks.

Integrity is achieved through this. People respects and believe in you when they see this habbit instilled in your core values.

I would like to add the habbit of taking serious action to my words. I know I have been a failure in this for my past many years. I am sure that this will change starting today. Cutting off this today.

Generosity leads to wealth

Have been listening to self help tapes for quite a few months now since discovering theres loads of these available to be downloaded on internet.

From Robert Kiyosaki, Retire Young Retire Rich says that:
To be able to receive wealth, it is necessary to give first. It states that we should work for FREE.

I was at first quite puzzled by the concept. Upon listening to the further explanation, I start to get the big picture.

Take for example in business. In order to create a network of customers or people willing to do favours for you, the only way is definitely by giving or doing favours to them. Think by common sense: Why would any strangers in the world be willing to do business or provide u with any opportunities if there is nothing in return for them? The generosity thing plays a big role in life in terms of relationships with people, or any other aspects in life. It all comes to the pure habbit of willing to help others.

This is in conjunction with "What's in it for me?" attitute from how to talk to anyone.

Another way of looking at this:
Say if you stay selfish and stay concern only on yourself. In the return it is a real hard climb to the top if you do it alone. The leverage of people working together can be a powerful force that exceeds beyond our wildest imaginations.

That is why, a new habbit that i will do everyday from now.
Help those in need as much as I can!!!

Saying bout the return by doing this. It is said that you might not see any changes in life for the first week, months or even years. But when the result shows up to you, it will not be increasing gradually but sky rocket in very short time.
Somewhere in my heart I can feel this saying very strongly.
Help people and create that force field that people will respect and love anywhere you go.

Hey, even if you dont get any return, you at least get the joy of getting to help people which gives you a happy mood for the moment right? haha^^

Sleep early!! (reminder to myself)

Went for Finite elements test today. Was one of the rare cases that i actually manage to prepare well for the test. Well eventually made some mistake due to the over excitement the fact that i know i can do all the question entirely!! haha. Actually it was due to the lack of sleep last nite due to lack of self discipline of watching TV til late!! This self control problem will be controlled very very soon... I just know it!!

So many downside of sleeping late. To name a few:
1) Sleepy to do work. Miserable yet if having test!!
2) It affects by chain reaction through the whole day even the next day.
3) Gets you in bad mood and low alertness.
4) Feel like out of conscious controll... worse yet if added with coffee.
5) Get very low mood.
6) Tired eyes and dangerous in driving.
7) Bad level of input receiving
8) Cant even concentrate in class.
9) Cant even use brain to think well!! If do equations like wanna burst.
List goes on.
Moral of story: Sleep early or if cannot den at least make sure that get at least 6 hrs sleep.
Plan well ahead.
But i think self discipline does most of the trick

Do your best Jian!! hahaha.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Arise to live again

Just got back normal again after a terrible frightening denggi fever. Lucky to scrape pass with just a minor fever and soretroat. God thanks to my parents who took care and pampered me throughout my sick days. Thanks to dear oso for cheering me up. Wakaka.

Upon these days finally get to know which are the friends who truely care. Which are the ones never seem to bother. Guess I have been just as ignorant to them all the time. But then i will start to appreciate those more. Rather disapointing though the outcome. At least i know that parents will always care for u and gf oso. ^^

Gonna get back to life, left uni for 1 week liao, so much to catch up d. Haiks. God. 

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

I am going to....

i am going to;
1) wake up early tomolo and be at work at 750am tomolo!

erm, put this one only first.....
Go home liao. 850pm oredi... am d only one at office... headache

New born....... the tingling aura

Attention: this post is gonna be rather childish with very childish phrases and comments....
aha, miss xi wei gave birth to a cute little baby gal, little miss ying xuan.
Hello miss ying xuan.... ^^ uncle jian here loves cute little babies like u!!! hehe
Welcome to the world aar. ^^Congrats to xi wei aar, blessing from fuo tuo really is.... Xi wei gonna be a great mama, smiles and happi always is wat u will get. ^^
Really is first time i get to experience birth of a new born kid. Joy is what i felt.

When will i be a dad??? ^^ hear that??

People's life.. mine like so dull

Yeah, i am the kind of human that always does that... i know its childish and should not.... But i really cant help the feeling that i didnt do enough with my life.
Read a blog of my friend... gosh, she's been through so much exciting moments and achievements big or small. She's living her life, doing what she does best and helping people to develop into something astonishing with her talent.
My.... what a character in life to be... And me myself in my road of life which i aint as fullfiling. (Wont be satisfied if i die now)
Tried to develop into something like that but it feels really uncomfortable being that guy that i wanted to be.... Improvements.... i need it

I tried hard ....

Blog writting allows me to view this in a very different perspective before i actually type it out into words. I happen to like blogging liao.........

Hate myself (nope i dont, i am having a sweet period in my life now:))

Hair cut day....

Finally out of the blue after an very plain day at work and a very suddenly happened moody and self felt lonely day at work, i go for a haircut.... Malay saloon..
Haha, the same mistake happens again.... Very unclear instructions.... causing a very very short cut. T_T although i feel that its very acceptable aar. hurhurhur....(maybe overly get used to this situation liao.)
Hair dresser was a tomboy lesbo. Saw her caressing her gf on sofa when got in. Haha, the male hair cut pushed me to her when later he entertained a female long haired customer. ( earlier as if he is not a hair dresser) Miss hairdresser was thought to be nice though, yeng blonde male hairstyle.... cause me to put down my worries....
Thats when the trouble starts aarrrr.... I strongly made "Rules of Giving Instructions to my Hairdresser" here in this blog:

1) Always give very clear directions!!!! dont assume they will cut the hair the way u want!!!!

2) Ask them not to touch the side burn and front hair at first, kaotim the upper and behind part of hair first!!!!

3) Then, only ask them to cut the side burn little by little.

4) Sideburn must reach bottom level of ear....

5) stress on the right frontal hair

For those of u blurr with some statements please just ignore it. This is basically just a reminder for myself only on what i have to follow and should have been following for the past 20 unsuccessfull hair cuts........

So that i will not look like this........

and need to wait for 3 weeks for me to be ok with it..... huizay

Back to reality...

Back to work on monday.... huhuhu
Made wrong decision to go back on monday morning, 2 hours of jam caused me to be late at work.... 20 minutes... though boss all like dun care only. But am quite frus lor, then gotta act like got work to do when get to work table.... Hate that moment every morning. Haiz......

Again aar, have to do works that i find rather unbenificial towards my selfdeveloping life. Inspect and record all of the chairs in company??!!! oh god, i never even imagined i would be doing this on the first day of work.... oh my freaking hamster ballsssss......
Despite that i still took a few pics of that scenarios.... hurhurhur

Mr Nik who totally agrees with me on that it is really a useless work. Despite have to obey. Lolz. Damn hensem aar Nik, innocent and friendly look....

Miss loo fook lee.... my supervisor... jotting down on the stickers each and every chairs inspected... huhuhu.
Very explanationary gal (in this blog hor i will use all the self created phrases my self de la hor)
She seems very motivated in this task though... i think she's the get the job done kind of human regardless of how simple and feather the job is like. Haha.

These few days to come will be doing the same tasks every day 9.30pm. Really sienz...

Am starting to be less wanting to be productive already la with the task given..... Hopefully the exhibition on 6-10 may they will let me go......... Really hope aar.

Oh i want to show a pic of my boss, i think he is damn cute aar.... jeyan say like teddy bear^^

This pic dosent express as much aar...... wait till u see him walk. ....
haha. Another boring day at work......(self defined)

Meet the parents...

Ooo ooo... never ever expected that will bring miss lcy to meet mom and dad aar... I think u did very well aar, although i was the one who kept the conversation flowing. Atmosphere was ok though the steamboat was a little hot. Haha.
Had a very full dinner.... Smiles from mom and dad. I i can feel the approval from them very naturally so dont worry la ok dear? ( u wil be saying:"我哪里有担心,几冷静哩!“)

With this, i think there is no turning back from sticking with u liao izit? haha, love u so.

Loved the time with u later that nite. Breeze was soothing and the nite scenery was just too fine.
Another unwillingly farewell and goodbye..........

Lee hom concert

The time when this blog is written, 3 days had passed. So the actual expression remembered is a little deflated.
But as it seems, its gonna be one of the memorable things i get to do with you in my life. Haha, u cause me to go for this concert. Dunno why had this thinking of holding the decision to do so. But i'm glad i didn't. ^^ Coz u paid for it. wahahahaha.

And again, miss lcy looks as stunning as always lor. hehe although i jus like to criticise a bit la to dis u a bit. hehe.
Big 水汪汪 cute retina's by the way... haha

Mr. lee, really damn geng aar. Superb performance all the way. Only a bit sienz on slow songs.
Freakin yeng stage entry.

playing this with eyes closed. yeng X2
Nothing of these can be heard in the CD. Those of u ppl really shud experience lee hom in live band performance. had a different perspective towards him now.
The MC had to repeat 2 times that the concert is over to kill away any hopes by the fans of any encores which took place only once.

Oh, and there is the killer guitar named "bahamut". 200k euros man... if i can only touch.
Some of the memorable performances was with the 改变自己song. Just like in MV camera trick positions cause us to believe theres 4 lee hom on stage. And there is the magic tric where he teleport from stage to center of the crowd in 1 sec.
(Although kinda know how it is being done coz watch too much magic secrets review video liao. haha.)

Musically, rockin the house like wild man..... with the guitar. 1 km away from him dosent stop the energy flow. Damn like the 竹林深处rock version, improvised into a serious heavy rock-rapping song.

And there are the babes who came to the concert.... Damn smokin hot ... haha. Although dun dare to take pic of them due to sumone sitting beside and inability of hp to silent while take pic.

Best performance i have experience from a real pro who constantly self develope himself. Will be hoping for hid dvd to be launched.

Finally there is the pic of me and u.... ^^

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Starting a new blog......again, haha

Starting a new blog of my own. Wanna keep it short and nice. yay.....